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Personal Injury

A personal injury disrupts your life. An injury caused by the negligence or careless acts of others are often severe, resulting in pain and suffering, expensive medical treatment, time lost from work, and affecting relationships with loved ones. You didn’t ask for this harm or loss, but now you must deal with the harsh consequences of someone else’s mistakes. While you have legal rights and remedies, how do you know you’re getting everything you deserve? At Barrister Law Firm, your harms and losses are taken seriously on day one. Pursuing high compensation which can help address your needs is what Orlando personal injury firm Barrister Law does every day, and works with you on a personal level to help.

When Injuries Occur That Could Have Been Prevented, One or More Parties Will Likely be Held Liable for Negligence

truck accident with vehicle flipped on it's side

An actual Barrister client. A Barrister Law attorney arrived on-scene within 15 minutes of this accident happening.

Who is held responsible when you or one of your loved ones becomes seriously injured? If it was caused by a drunk driver, the answer is fairly obvious. However, is it really your grandfather’s fault that he lost his balance in the supermarket and fell, breaking his hip? Possibly not, if the conditions were not safe. Business establishments owe a duty to make sure foreign substances are cleaned up in a reasonable period of time. And, to answer the first question, even cases of drunk driving are not always black and white when it comes to assessing liability. Yes, the drunk driver will certainly be punished legally, but they may not be the only party held liable in a civil lawsuit. Florida’s pure comparative liability (also called shared liability) is the legal theory that more than one party can be at fault in many types of accidents. If one driver sped through a red light and the drunk driver T-boned that vehicle, sending both parties to the emergency room, both the drunk driver and the other driver may be deemed negligent, and whichever party is decidedly less liable may be awarded compensation for their injuries, minus the percentage of fault for which they are responsible. For example, if the driver that went through the red light is found to be 40 percent at fault and the drunk driver is held 60 percent at fault, the former would only be able to collect 60 percent of what they would be able to if it was solely the fault of the drunk driver. As you can see, not every injury case is as simple as it may seem at first glance. The negligent party’s insurance company, and the person who hurt you (called a tortfeasor) will be fighting against you to deny you compensation, blame you for the accident, or hood-wink you with unsatisfactory and downright insulting settlement offers.

The costs related to severe injuries are often staggeringly high: medical bills in the tens of thousands or even hundreds thousands of dollars, a high degree of pain and suffering, long-term scarring, post-traumatic stress disorder, lost wages, debilitation, chronic and permanent pain, and personal property damage. With so much on the line, you shouldn’t leave this vital matter in the hands of anyone less than the very best personal injury attorney. Barrister Law Firm has experienced and aggressive personal injury lawyers who will speak directly with you today to discuss your legal options to be compensated for the trauma you and your family have been put through unfairly. Unlike the big law firms where you never get to speak with an actual attorney but are handed off to a non-attorney case manager from the start, you will work directly one-on-one with an attorney at Barrister Law Firm.

Defining Negligence in Orlando Personal Injury Accidents

To understand what negligence means, you must also have a firm grasp on the term “duty of care.” Duty of care applies to all members of society and requires us to act in a reasonably safe manner that does not put others at unnecessary risk. When a person has been charged with negligence, they have broken their duty to act with care. Negligence is the failure to act with reasonable care towards others, which is to say, the care that a reasonably prudent person would use in a similar situation. The harm that a negligent person causes another is accidental, as opposed to intentional. An intentional crime is different from negligence. However, reckless driving is an example of both negligence and a crime.

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